The Honor and Remember Flag is intended to be flown continuously, along with or under Old Glory, the flag of the United States of America. It flies for every American service member who died while serving or as a result of serving, from our nation's inception, as well as for every family, friend or comrade they left behind. It is a public symbol that serves as a reminder to all of us of the precious cost of freedom and gives everyone the ability to display appreciation with a tangible and visual statement.
The Honor and Remember Flag may also fly independently on a separate pole, respecting the protocol of other official flags.
The Honor and Remember Flag is to be flown below the Stars and Stripes whenever on the same pole and always to be in a subservient position to all others. Never to diminish in meaning or stature the US Flag.
When three or more flags are to be flown on the same pole, Honor and Remember should always be positioned below all others. Second to the American flag if by itself and/or below the Pow/Mia flag if present. It is suggested that its position is always the closest to half-staff.
The Honor and Remember Flag should always be the same size or one size smaller than the American flag with which it flies. In other words if you are flying a 4 x 6 American flag the HR flag should be no smaller than 3 x 5.
Our goal is that the Honor and Remember Flag will eventually be adopted to fly continuously, for all of our fallen heroes and their families, but in particular each year on special federal holidays such as Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Gold Star Mother's, Family and Wive's Days and Veterans Day on the grounds or in the public lobbies of all military installations, as designated by the Secretary of the Defense, all federal national cemeteries, the national Korean War Veterans Memorial, the National Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the White House, the United States Postal Service post offices and at the offices of the Secretaries of State, Defense and Veteran's Affairs, and the Director of the Selective Service System.
When adopted by individual state legislation we would also recommend that the Honor and Remember Flag fly at half staff below the US flag whenever there is an identified military casualty of that state. If the US flag is lowered for the reason of a US Service Member casualty, the Honor and Remember Flag should be displayed below it if possible.
Some examples of proper flag etiquette are shown below.

Two people ideally needed per flag.
- With the flag fully open, first fold in half lengthwise and then half again so that the personalization is visible, facing up. (The flag when shipped is typically already folded to begin step 2)
- With two people holding each end tightly, personalization facing up, grasp each bottom corner, folding it up into a small triangle (as you would start the US Flag),
- Simultaneously from each end continue the triangular folding toward the center.
- Both folds should meet in the exact center.
- You will know the folding is correct when you flip it over to see the folded US flag and flame.
- Place the folded flag into a triangular case to keep before presentation to family.
- The case is not to be given to the family with the personalized flag.